Our Little Girl Has Arrived!

Place of Birth: St. John's Hospital, Springfield, Mo

Birthdate: January 14, 1998

Time of Birth: 5:19 am

Length : 21.5 inches
29 inches now

Weight : 7 lbs 9 ounces
19 lbs 5 ounces

Given Name: Caitlyn Elizabeth Kittrell

Special thanks to Barb for the above image
All names have a meaning, some names "fit" the bearer better than others. Caitlyn is the Irish version of the name "Katherine", but is also Greek for "pure essence". Caitlyn's middle name, "Elizabeth", which she shares with mom, means "joined with God". Her name seems to fit her, she's a wonderful, happy baby and definitely an angel.

Caitlyn's picture at 5 minutes old

Caitlyn's older sisters

L to R: Brandey 10, Whitney 9, Arrica 12, Ashley (sitting) 14, and Shelby 5

These were taken at 8 hours old :


Why God made little girls

God made the world with it's towering trees
Majestic mountains and restless seas
Then paused and said "It needs one more thing"
"Someone to laugh and dance and sing
To walk in the woods and gather flowers
To commune with nature in quiet hours."

So God made little girls
With laughing eyes and bouncing curls
With joyful hearts and infectious smiles
Enchanting ways and feminine wiles

And when He had completed the task He'd begun
He was pleased and proud of the job He had done
For the world, when seen through a little girl's eyes
Greatly resembles paradise.
author unknown

Shelby meets her new little sister, Caitlyn.( 8 hours old)
Caitlyn's Poem

Sweet baby girl from up above
you've already blessed this world with love
As gentle as the morning dew
your guardian angels watch over you

Little Caitlyn, may you see
this world's a wondrous place to be
May you treasure wisdom, strength, and truth
and strive for goodness in all you do

Now in your mother's arms you rest
You are a child, truly blessed
with a family that's bound by Love
... the same that sent you from above
All the very best, little princess...
© 1997 Angela Brandt

These were taken at 4 hours old

This is Caitlyn's hospital picture, taken at 2 days and 6 hours old.

5 days, and 1 week
In the picture on the right, my real life friend Tonja is holding Caitlyn, we've noticed the resemblance and rest assured..that is Colleen's baby.

We have lots of new pictures :-) Rather than slow down the loading of this page with more pictures, we've made another page.

Pictures! Frames version

Cynde Lefebvre and Angela Brandt coordinated an "online baby shower" a month before Caitlyn arrived. To sign or view entries in the guestbook, click on one of the following:

Want to comment on my page? email me

Special thanks to Cynde Lefebvre for the baby angel. Header and Geocities graphic on this page created by Colleen Kittrell

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Last updated on October 29, 1998
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