Are you an AVID ROSE FAN?
Jackson and Perkins has been growing roses since 1872. If you want a rose of exceptional quality, trust Jackson and Perkins. They sell other perennials, but they are known for their roses. There is information here on how to prune roses, how to get them ready for winter, and protect the them from the harshness of winter. Click on the photo to visit their web site!
AMERICAN ROSE SOCIETY homepage. If you are serious about growing roses, check out this site. They are a wealth of information.
GardenNet The most complete and informative site I have found for the gardener. They call themselves the premier garden center on the Internet. Point Survey must have liked them! Point Survey rates GardenNet in the top 5% of all WWW sites!
That is a hard act to follow..
Garden Links Galore! This is's page with links to hundreds of pages about all types of gardening
The New York Botanical Gardens site really is impressive. The online garden was my favorite. Click here to go straight to their main page.
The Virtual Garden Four Seasons tour of the New York Botanical Gardens takes a little time, but it beats traveling to New York! Click here to get started.
Several Virtual Garden Tours can be accessed here. Enjoy!
AABGA The American Public Gardens Association homepage.
Missouri Botanical Gardens homepage. They are located in St Louis, Mo. Another favorite online garden site Beautifully done.
Missouri Botanical Gardens Just start the tour!