The 4 books below can be very useful in the search for birth parents and in understanding why adoptees search
There are a few things you must remember in searching for birth family:
Starting the Search!
****** A note of Caution here. Many Search/Investigative firms may contact you through these postings. Please be advised that much of what they can do for you can be done on your own for less than $50 If you feel you are need of assistance, please ask around. Many of the owners of the listserve below (including ) can give you advice per a particular Search Agency. I also strongly recommend joining The American Adoption Congress for the fee of $35
The American Adoption Congress
1000 Connecticut Avenue, N.W., Suite 9
Washington, D.C. 20036
(202) 483-3399
They can be found on the Internet at :
Or, just Click here to go to their site right now
As a member, they can give you advice on professional search organizations/ individuals
The AAC is committed to achieving changes in attitudes, policies, and legislation that will guarantee
access to identifying information for all adoptees and their birth and adoptive families.
The Volunteers Network is a nationwide group of Volunteers who have come together to offer our services to people touched by adoption who need search help. We are a diverse group made up mostly of triad members, some have found, some have not, but all of us want to help. They do not make a profit on services, it is at a cost only basis. Our Volunteers charge only for what it costs them to help you. This help is available only for adoptees, birth parents and their family members who are looking for lost loves. They do not locate infants to be adopted.
Each Volunteer has individual limits as to what he/she may do. Some might only go to the library or check the phone books and city directories; while others may go to courthouses, city halls or other legwork needed. We do not perform full searches from beginning to end, just specific tasks.
Locations covered are updated weekly, the entire US isn't covered yet, but they are working on it. Locations covered also include parts of Australia, Canada, England, Norway, and the United Kingdom. If you need assistance from the VSN, please contact:
Paula Ross, VSN Coordinator , reunited adoptee at:
or by sending her an email
with the following information:
* Your Name: (first only is ok)
* Email:
* I need legwork in: (city, state)
* Specify what you need done:
* What is your relationship to adoption?
You will receive an acknowledgment of your email to the Volunteer
Searchers Network. You will later receive a message telling you who to
contact in the area you are searching or a Volunteer will contact you
directly. If we do not have a searcher in that area, we will let you know,
so you may pursue other avenues--but will keep your request and if a
searcher joins our group that can help, we will email you and ask if you
still need our help.
Please be prepared to reimburse the searcher for expenses only. The Volunteer will tell you what the cost was to him/her. The Volunteer should ONLY charge expenses, not for time or for profit.
Try Joining a Mailing list
There are mailing lists for Adoptees/Birth Mothers/All members of the adoption triad.
Adoptees Internet Mailing list.
The Adoptees Internet Mailing List (AIML) is for adoptees, "adoptee-lites", and spouses of adoptees only. Check out the
AIML homepage at : or go to The AIML page now.
Can't check it out but want to subscribe? To (un)subscribe, send a message to:
Put "subscribe adoptees" (no quotes) in the body of the message, leave the subject line blank.
Still have problems? Personal help from the list owners:
Adoption Related Mailing Lists and Newsgroups
In addition to A.I.M.L. we are aware of the following Internet mailing
lists and Usenet Newsgroups:
1) DeAnn Hardy ( runs and Adoption List open to all members of
the triad. Membership is extended to anyone who has been touched by adoption in anyway.
To subscribe, send email to
with only the following text in the body of the letter:
"subscribe adopting"(no quotes)
Deann has also started a database of those searching, contact her for more information at
the above address if you would like your information added to her database (no charge)
2) Roger Smith ( is the man in charge of the 'California Connection'
adoption list. It is open to any member of the triad who was born, adopted or is searching
in California. To subscribe, send email to:
with only the following text in the body of the letter:
subscribe ca-adoptees
If you wish to receive Roger's list in digest format, you should write the
following in the body of your letter: subscribe ca-adoptees-digest
3) There is a list for all triad members which focuses upon open adoptions.
Write to Yvette Carter ( Email Yvette now. Or contact
Teri Liston ( or Email Teri now for more information.
4) The Adoption Triad mailing list is open to all members of the triad.
Discussions tend to be more focused toward adopting and raising
adopted children than toward search or reunion issues. To subscribe, send email
with the following as the only text in your
" subscribe adoption FirstName LastName"
(No quotes)
5) Birth mothers are encouraged to join the Birth Mother's ONLY Mailing List. Write to:
Belinda ( Email Belinda now for more information about membership.
Another Internet search resource
could be the one of the Usenet Newsgroups Below:
1) Alt.Adoption. This is a general discussion group open to all members of the triad, and the general public. (Note, some browsers do not allow you to read newsgroups). Also a note of caution. Alt.Adoption can be offensive to some.
2)The BRAND NEW Adoptees Newsgroup (soc.adoption.adoptees)(moderated) is open for
business. It took a few days to work out the kinks and bugs, but they are now
running full steam! Check them out, and add them to your newsgroups!
3)Prospective and current adoptive parents may find assistance in the Usenet Newsgroup
alt.Adoption.Agency. (Note, some browsers do not allow you to read newsgroups)
There are other methods of finding information, members of the Adoptees Internet Mailing List are a
knowledgeable group. (As are members of Deann Hardy's list). They are helpful and supportive.
Members of these lists truly are "One great extended family"! I am proud to be a member of the
Adoptees' Internet Mailing List, and one of two Search Coordinators for them. I will give advice,
helping anyone I can free --for one Favor in return. Visit my homepage and help me find my Dad,
Elwood Richard Moore, missing for 21 years. I have been searching for 17 years. My homepage is :
I can be emailed anytime at : me now.
Dana Kressierer, Co-Owner of the AIML
For more information about The Adoptees Newsgroup, see our website at
Some of this document has been a combination of efforts from the following people, whom I wish to
greatly acknowledge:
Carter Thompson Co-Owner of the AIML
Vicki Rummig, Co-Owner of the AIML
Paula Ross, VSN Coordinator
Jack Marvin, Vice President of the American Adoption Congress
Jeff Hartung, owner of the Original Adoptees Mailing List. shut down February of
1996 after a 3 year run, Thanks Jeff, for seeing the need for this "support group"
Colleen Kittrell, Search Coordinator for the AIML and a searching
"Adoptee-Lite" searching for the last 17 years for my father, Elwood Richard Moore